Thanksgiving Weekend at Zion National Park

It all started in late October. Still feeling fresh off the news that I had been laid off from my job; my sister invited me to come along with her and her son to Zion National Park on Thanksgiving weekend. How sweet of my sister! I had never been to Utah by that point and I consider myself a casual fan of the National Park System. The history of how the land came to be under the jurisdiction of the United States federal government is a complicated one. In a future update, I will go into a deeper dive into the history of ZNP.

For now though, I would like to share some images that were created by me. In total we spent Black Friday and Saturday at the park, walking over 40,000 steps between both days. We saw goats, deer, and chipmunks. A lot of people had the same idea to visit the park during on Black Friday and Saturday. I think its nice to think that many people chose to reject the heavily commercialized aspects of this holiday weekend for a more nature-focused time.


SmArt collective presents: “Salute” a Memorial Weekend Group Exhibition